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August 22, 2006



I just have to ask, what the heck to those people want then? And I am not being snarky. I really would like to know. I would have thought you would practically be a "shoo-in" with your work which seems to touch all those areas of IL, communication, practices, so on. Oh well, I am sure you will find some other place, but it does not exactly encourage a little peon like me to send a proposal. Best, and keep on blogging.


Thanks for the interest. Yeah, I should have added 2.0 or some of the other trendy things.

Now I know why my friend called them:
Absence of Creative Reference Librarianship
or: Abysmally Conservative, Relevance Lacking

steven bell

Hey pal, my rejected ACRL conference proposals are way better than your rejected proposals! Honestly, no one can really unravel the mysteries of the proposal decision process. Since I also had a proposal related to blogging rejected I'm going to guess that this topic is a bit ahead of its time for ACRL. My suggestion. Try them elsewhere. I've gotten rejected ACRL proposals accepted at EDUCAUSE and other perfectly good conferences that also have peer review processes. I think the right number of proposals is 4 because with a 25% acceptance rate you have a 1 in 4 shot. Ten may be a bit of overkill. In any case, Blended Librarians will be glad to have you! And I hope we'll still see you in Baltimore.


I agree with Steven--submit it to EDUCAUSE or another education technology conference. Whenever I mention your blog-tracking project to anyone, jaws drop, so there are definitely some interested people...


Courage, man! your time will come.

At Conferences, Revolutionaries Languish
Arrogant Cliques Revile Latecomers
All Coups Require Labour (even inevitable ones!)
Advocate Confidently, Resourceful Liberal
Anticipate Change--Retiring Librarians!


ACRL: Anticipate Change--Retiring Librarians! (Golden! Thanks T)


Part of the problem is the way funding works. It's not a GT thing, our admin is really cool about supporting us, but we put in for travel Aug 1. So to add extra conferences means paying fully out of my own pocket. I feel trapped into both ALA and have enjoyed the last 2 ACRLs--- however I'd love to attend CIL, IL, or EDUCAUSE -- but you have to pick and choose. We'll see. Thanks everyone for the interest.

Paul R. Pival

Brian, Steven Bell didn't mention in his comment that he's also got some suggestions on what to do with that unaccepted ACRL proposal.

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