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August 13, 2007


Fairfield University Library

Fairfield University Library will crush you, little man! You GT bumblebees mean nothing to us.


inland empire! i saw it months ago and my head is still spinning. he is a genius...what did you think?

mess with fairfield at your own risk...despite their tony NYC-suburb locale and jesuit mission, i hear some of those librarians are real hooligans.

i think TUL should become a regular feature.

Tarheel Girl

...because NC State's competitive advantage is NOT academics. It's just another Beer and Circus school. And if you don't get that reference, you need to read more.


this is just a hilarious post.
i hit all the gossip blogs, then move into library blogs.
for a moment, i thought i was still on perez hilton!


@ Tarheel
I don’t know anything about the administrative motives at NCSU, but their engineering collection is very solid. I always thought UNC (no bitterness because brushed me off) was the beer & circus, the big state school, the big frat school, the big athletics program-- while NCSU was the more scrappy engineering and science school, and Duke the southern Ivy. We have the same setup here. UGA/UNC, GaTech/NCSU, Emory/Duke.

So... what's that saying about glass houses?


Okay, I acknowledge that you're joking, but I, a full-time NCSU student, can't help but feel the sting. Yes, there are video games in our library's "learning commons" and they get used. But there are only two or three of them and the ratio of people using them to the number of students working is a pretty small number. If every workstation had one, I'd say the library sold out, but such a small number! Students gotta take a break! (Btw, the number of students working there is a big number. And of course, they're working more collaboratively.

I like the vision statement. The library is doing innovative stuff and I'd bet leaders in other departments on campus, leaders who are less likely to try something new, see this and say, okay, somebody else did it and it seems to work, so I'll try it. That's how things get better.

As for "Beer and Circus", don't all big state universities fit this mold? (NCSU actually has a slightly larger student population than UNC.) I went to UNC and I'm now at NCSU and don't see much difference in the Beer and Circus quotient. But I do think our library is doing its part to make the academic culture better by making its environment less intimidating. As a freshman (at UNC, but this could've been anywhere), asking for help at the library was kinda scary. Scary places get used less.

Lastly, if we borrowed any G Tech ideas for the learning commons, I thank you and your peeps for doing something cool that others can learn from.


I bet Michigan will have less to say about Duke football (sic) after their performance on Saturday against App State!


@ Laree
I still have the highest respect for the U of Michigan Library System. I wish that Ohio State or Texas would have lost to App State instead.

Anyway, at least UM didn't lose to an AA school because that term doesn't exist anymore. I guess the Ivies were tired of being second tier so they had the name changed.


@ bobelli

My sarcastic post should not sting as much as losing to a third tier school like UCF. (I did my undergrad there.)

I meant no disrespect to NCSU—they are one of the most imaginative libraries in this country. The Director is esteemed and has done an excellent job promoting the Library nationally.

In terms of video games in the Library—it’s great that you are open to them, however, not all of your peers agree: http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/learningcommons/forum/viewtopic.php?p=213
Libraries are like everything else— no matter what you do, someone is going to dislike it.

Thanks for reading.

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