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September 02, 2007



That sounds good Brian. Congratulations!

Does that included users who don't use the library yet was well?

Here in Holland we always focus on the users we already have and thus we miss (in my opinion) a big potential.

Others claim it's better to focus on those we already have. We might lose them too.

But that's the view of a public library, in this case...

Anyway: succes with the new job!


Congrats on your new job. I do like the new job title. But if you're going to mention user experience in your post, c'mon and throw a bone to DBL.


Congrats, Brian! I look forward to chatting more about the whole UXlib thing. Fun!

Paul R. Pival

Wow, big changes at GT these days, eh? Congrats Brian, have fun!

Jason Puckett

Congrats, Brian!

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