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March 26, 2009


Rebecca (Zeek)

Back in 1999 or 2000 you told me about rock star librarians. I wasn't exactly sure what you meant, but I am starting to see it. You're pretty rad.

Amanda Clay Powers

I completely agree. I have used Twitter Search to find local tweeps...luckily we are in small town that has a good-sized university--and our town has an odd name (Starkville), making the search pretty simple. (David Lee King has done similar things in Topeka.)

I've gotten a lot out of just being part of the local twitter community, and even with a small sampling, I've gotten a good sense of when students are doing which types of exams--and when faculty are making big pushes in their research. Invaluable for a Reference Librarian.

I've also been able to connect with people in the University I would not normally have met. One of our "pods" of twittering community members is in the Art Department (other early adopting groups included our Improv group and a media podcasting group). After twittering a talk by Karen Green, the Columbia Graphic Novels Librarian, one of the Art Department faculty members was very interested in continuing the discussion about the state of Graphic Novels at MSU. We started with Twitter, then moved our discussion onto Facebook, where we found that many of our colleagues and students across the University were interested in the subject. The faculty member decided to offer a GN class as a result this spring, and I've been auditing it.

For the Library, I'm mostly interested in how we could use Twitter as a micro-blog-feed on our site to give updates on current info from the library (like UIUC). I've also been considering twittering our CHAT reference questions and putting that feed on our Ask-a-Librarian page.

But regardless of whether or not we do anything with it here, I think for librarians it's imperative that we integrate ourselves within our community. Twitter is just another tool to that end.


it's def. not "only librarians"-- unless they are tweeting a ton 'bout "hannah montana," which has been showing up as a trending topic the past couple of days!!!!


i read your blog all the time as i work in an academic library and love your adoption of technology. i have other hobbies and would love to share something i've made recently (that proves all librarians are not boring!

my funny doritos ad

just don't tell my university librarian!

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