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July 16, 2009



If you're interested in doing some virtual teaching, contact the University of Pittsburgh's School of Information Sciences. I'm a current student (for another two weeks) and they are always interested in bringing in online lectures and different speakers. I know classes are changing a lot now, so I'm not sure what they're offering, but I'm sure they would be happy to have you.

Leslie Madden

Brian, I think that these are really kind, as well as generous, things to do. Very inspiring. Wishing you well.


As a follow-up to Elizabeth, I'd be happy to help you set something up at Pitt...even though I'll probably be gone by the time it would happen. But I can get you in touch with the right people to make it go!

Bob Fox


It's not too late to work something out with the honoraria for Georgia Tech. We're willing to take collections contributions retroactively!

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